Partnering with Consumers: A guide for consumers
Developed by consumers for consumers, the Guide explains how to strengthen consumer partnerships at all levels of the health system to support person-centred care and drive positive change.
Who is the Guide for?

This guide is for consumers who:
- Would like to know how to better communicate and partner with clinicians and health service organisations to improve their own care, as well as health services more broadly
- Would like to understand how they can become consumer advocates or consumer representatives, and what they can do to influence change
- Are already consumer representatives, advocates, advisors, members of consumer networks or organisations and would like to understand how the Partnering with Consumers Standard can support them.
It also provides a reference point for health service organisations to understand the different types and levels of consumer involvement and how consumer perspectives can improve their services.
What will you find inside the Guide?
This Guide has four chapters:
- Person-centred care
- The Standards and accreditation
- Partnering with consumers
- Building skills and consumer leadership
Each chapter has a section with reflective questions for consumers and health service organisations and a further reading section, with links to resources and extra information.

Case Studies
Four case studies are available, providing examples of how strong partnerships with consumers have been developed across different care settings and services. These case studies are designed to be used together with the Guide.
Education Package
The education package includes a Facilitator Guide and a PowerPoint presentation for training sessions. These sessions are designed to be delivered by consumers, with support from health service staff. The sessions cover:
- Partnering with Consumers: A guide for consumers
- Information about the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and what partnering with consumers means
- Discussion about how to strengthen partnerships between consumers and health services to improve the safety and quality of health care.
The Facilitator’s Guide includes session plans, checklists and handouts for each topic. The PowerPoint presentation includes graphics and content to deliver training on each topic.
The Commission engaged the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF) to develop Partnering with Consumers: A guide for consumers (the Guide), educational package and case studies.
The Commission would like to thank CHF and the Project Advisory Group for their work and all the organisations and consumers who gave their time to help produce them.