Recognising the vital role that patients, families and carers play in advancing safe care, the World Health Organization (WHO) selected “Engaging patients for patient safety” as the theme for World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) 2023.
Through the slogan “Elevate the voice of patients” the WHO is asking all stakeholders to take action to ensure that patients engage in policy formulation, are represented in governance structures, are engaged in co-designing safety strategies, and are active partners in their care.
Partnering with Consumers: A guide for consumers
Strong partnerships with consumers are essential for safe and high-quality health care. All health services need to partner with consumers under the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
By working together, consumers and health service organisations can help improve:
- The delivery of health services
- The experience for patients, their carers and family members
- Health outcomes
The Guide has been developed by consumers for consumers. It explains how to build and strengthen consumer partnerships at all levels of the health system to support person-centred care and drive positive change.
Using the Guide, both consumers and health service organisations can improve their understanding of how to get the most from their partnerships, so there are better health outcomes for all consumers.
Guide, user guide or guidelines
Consumer Insights Video Series
The Consumer Insights Video Series sheds light on the invaluable impact of engaging consumers to ensure safe and high-quality care for all health consumers.
Developed in partnership with peak consumer health organisations across Australia, consumer representatives share their perceptions, experiences, and recommendations, helping to raise awareness around the importance of elevating the voice of patients for inspiring positive change and shaping the healthcare system.
WPSD digital resources