For consumers
The Commission has developed information, tools and resources to help support consumers engagement with, and understanding of, safe and high-quality health care.
Spotlight on Patient Power: Healthcare Rights and Positive Change Series

A new podcast and vodcast series has dropped called Patient Power: Healthcare Rights and Positive Change. Developed by Health Consumers NSW with the support of the Commission, and hosted by Julie McCrossin AM, this four-part series explores how patients, families and carers can use the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights to make their voices heard.
In each episode, Julie is joined by four guests, including health consumer representatives and family advocates with diverse backgrounds and experiences, as well as clinicians and other experts.
Each episode has a different focus but all provide practical strategies and examples of how the voice of patients, carers, family and friends can help improve health care for individuals and across the health system itself:
- Episode 1: Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
- Episode 2: Shared Decision Making
- Episode 3: Feedback
- Episode 4: Community Representatives Improving Healthcare
- Extra Episode: Summary of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
Partnering with Consumers: A guide for consumers
Developed by consumers for consumers, the Guide explains how to build and strengthen consumer partnerships at all levels of the health system to support person-centred care and drive positive change.
Using the Guide, both consumers and health service organisations can improve their understanding of how to get the most from their partnerships, so there are better health outcomes for everyone.

Person-centred care
Person-centred care is widely recognised as a foundation to safe, high-quality health care. It is care that respects and responds to the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers.
Visit the person-centred care resource hub and the shared decision making resources for more information.
Supporting consumers
Consumers should be supported to be active partners in the design, delivery and evaluation of health care.
To do this, consumers should be:
- Supported to understand and exercise their healthcare rights
- Provided with evidence-based information about treatment options for their medical conditions
- Encouraged to share decision making about their health care to the extent that they choose
- Involved in making decisions about how health services are designed and operate, how care is delivered, and in measuring and evaluating care and services.
Health care can be improved when consumers share – with their healthcare providers – what is important to them and any issues that may impact on their care and treatment plans.
Why do we talk about consumers?
When we talk about healthcare consumers we mean a person who has used, or may potentially use, health services, or is a carer for a patient using health services.