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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

CT Resources

The following resources explain the risks and benefits of CT scans for children and young people and can be used by referrers, medical imaging providers and parents and carers.

Dedicated Healthdirect paediatric CT resources page

To support all people involved in the CT patient journey, the Commission has partnered with Healthdirect Australia to establish a web page –, dedicated to hosting resources on CT scanning for children and young people, and includes sections for parents and carers, referrers, medical imaging providers, oral health care practitioners and patients

Resources for parents and carers

Resources for referrers

Resources for Dentists

Frequently asked questions

Video presentations

Videos from the launch of the Reduction in Radiation Exposure to Children and Young People from CT Scans, National Workshop - Sydney, NSW - August 2015. Session 1 - Welcome and opening

Session 2 - Radiation exposure to children and young people from CT scans

Session 3 - The resources unpacked – designing and delivering resources to enhance safety and quality in service delivery

Session 4 - Best practice, challenges and innovation

Session 5 - Questions and comments

Find more in our resource library
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