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Advisory AS18/14: Comprehensive Care Standard: Screening and assessment for risk of harm

This advisory describes the minimum requirements for Actions 5.07 and 5.10 for health service organisations to demonstrate planning for and conducting screening for comprehensive care.

Advisory details

Item Details
Advisory number AS18/14
Version number 4.0
Trim number D21-4268
Publication date 15 December 2022
Replaces AS18/14 version 3.0 published 7 October 2020
Compliance with this advisory It is mandatory for approved accrediting agencies to implement this advisory
Information in this advisory applies to
  • All approved accrediting agencies
  • All health service organisations
Key relationship Comprehensive Care Standard
Attachment Nil
Notes Updated number formatting of the NSQHS Standards actions and timeframes for compliance.
Responsible officer Anna Flynn
Director, Partnering with Consumers
Phone: 1800 304 056
To be reviewed December 2024


This advisory describes the minimum requirements for Actions 5.07 and 5.10 for health service organisations to demonstrate planning for and conducting screening for comprehensive care.


The Comprehensive Care Standard requires the use of screening processes with patients, families, carers and other support people as a means of identifying potential risk of harm and to inform comprehensive care planning.

This advisory relates to Actions 5.07 and 5.10 which state:

Action 5.07: The health service organisation has processes relevant to the patients using the service and the services provided:

  1. For integrated and timely screening and assessment
  2. That identify the risks of harm in the ‘Minimising patient harm’ criterion.

Action 5.10: Clinicians use relevant screening processes:

  1. On presentation, during clinical examination and history taking, and when required during care
  2. To identify cognitive, behavioural, mental and physical conditions, issues, and risks of harm
  3. To identify social and other circumstances that may compound these risks.

Guidance to support person-centred risk screening can be found at Essential elements for comprehensive care delivery.

The screening processes implemented should reflect the risks to patients and the context and type of services provided.

Previous versions of this Advisory required health services organisations to complete a gap analysis and commence work to develop, or refine, organisation-wide screening processes


Health service organisations are to consider the risk of patient harm relevant to their context and by 31 December 2023, implemented of an organisation-wide approach to risk screening and:

  • Use of screening processes endorsed by the organisation
  • Ensure the workforce has orientation, education or training on the organisation’s risk screening approach
  • Monitor and evaluate the outcomes of the screening processes.

Accrediting agencies are required to review evidence that by 1 January 2024, the organisation has:

  • Implemented an organisation-wide approach to risk screening
  • Provided orientation, education or training on risk screening to the workforce
  • Commenced monitoring and evaluation of the outcomes of its screening processes.

Accrediting agencies are to rate Actions 5.07 and 5.10 as met if the organisation demonstrates progress against the specific requirements in the specified timeframe.

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