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Developing partnerships with digital mental health service users

Register for our latest webinar on 8 August 2023.

Effective partnerships provide positive experiences for consumers and carers. They help deliver high-quality health care and improved safety.

The Digital Mental Health Standards focus on ensuring that service users are partners in the planning, delivery and evaluation of services, as well as partners in their own care.

Join the discussion

Register now to hear our panel of consumers, carers and service providers explore how services can develop and maintain user participation, what co-design means in practice, and how partnerships strengthen services.

You will learn how to develop and support meaningful partnerships in every aspect of your service.

Register now

Webinar: Partnering with service users

When: Tuesday 8 August 2023, 12:00 – 1:00pm AEST

Hear from:

  • A diverse range of digital mental health service users, including consumers and carers
  • Rachel Green, Chief Executive Officer at SANE Australia
  • Emma Elder, Lived Experience Program Manager at Black Dog Institute

More information

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