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Reminder to have your say on the new Aged Care Act

If you haven’t already participated, you are encouraged to give your feedback to this consultation, which will close 16 February 2024.

The Commission is pleased to support the Department of Health and Aged Care consultation on the exposure draft of the new Aged Care Act (new Act).

If you haven’t already participated, you are encouraged to give your feedback to this consultation, which will close 16 February 2024.

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What is this consultation about?

The aged care sector is undergoing legislative and regulatory reform arising from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. As part of this reform, the Aged Care Quality (ACQ) Standards have been strengthened and are due to come into effect later in 2024. These are included in the new Aged Care Act.

The clinical care components of the ACQ Standards have been strengthened. Standard 5 (Clinical Care) defines what high quality and safe clinical care looks like in aged care settings. Topics covered by Standard 5 include clinical governance, clinical safety, infection prevention and control, safe and quality use of medicines, comprehensive care, cognitive impairment, and palliative and end-of-life care.

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