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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Requirements for information communication and reporting (fifth edition)

The Commission, in consultation with the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC), has released the fifth edition of Requirements for information communication and reporting (the information communication and reporting standard).

What does this mean for Australian pathology laboratories?

The information communication and reporting standard addresses the communication of pathology information between pathology laboratories, requesters, consumers and other parties. It emphasises the role of the laboratory and defines the boundary of responsibility of the laboratory and addresses the identified high-risk scenarios.

All pathology laboratories are required to comply with the fifth edition of the information communication and reporting standard.

When does the new information communication and reporting standard come into effect?

The fifth edition edition will come into effect following an update to Schedule 1 of the Health Insurance (Accredited Pathology Laboratories—Approval) Principles 2017. Stakeholders will be notified when this occurs.

Will there be a hard copy of this standard available?

The Commission will not be printing and distributing hard copies of this document.

This document is uploaded onto the Commission’s website in PDF format which can be downloaded and printed. Noting, printed versions are uncontrolled and may not be current.

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