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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Submit your questions on the Governance Framework for our new webinar series

The Commission is hosting two upcoming webinars in June/July on implementation of the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework (the Governance Framework).

These webinars will provide valuable insights and advice for health service organisations to prepare for the process of assessment against the Governance Framework, ensuring you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Learn about:

  • Assessment to NCTGF
  • Reporting on clinical trial operations
  • Sampling clinical trial services
  • Conducting a self-assessment, including example evidence
  • Understanding the maturity scale (established, growing or initial systems) for the first three-year accreditation cycle.

The webinars will also feature case studies from organisations that have already undergone accreditation to the Governance Framework under the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.

Send us your questions

We invite you to submit questions in advance to ensure we address all your enquiries and concerns during the webinar. Whether you're curious about specific aspects of the Governance Framework or seeking clarifications against certain actions, we're here to help.

Please take a moment to send us your questions by completing this form. Our team will review all submissions and endeavour to address them comprehensively during the webinar.

Take the survey

Registrations for the webinars will open soon. 

More information

  1. Introduction to clinical trials
  2. Clinical trials regulation and legislation
  3. National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
  4. Assessing service providers to the Governance Framework
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