AURA 2023 includes data and analyses from 2020–2022 (primarily 2020–2021) from various sources and reports on patterns and trends in antimicrobial use and appropriateness and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Australian acute and community healthcare settings.
The Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) Surveillance System collects, reviews and analyses data on antimicrobial use and antimicrobial resistance in human health.
This complete version of the Opioid Analgesic Stewardship in Acute Pain Clinical Care Standard describes what each quality statement means for patients and their families, clinicians, and health service organisations, and provides indicators for local monitoring. It includes information about using clinical care standards, and the background and evidence sources for this standard.
This issue includes items on learning health systems, workforce, heavy menstrual bleeding, social media, surgery, ethnicity, hospital in the home, aged care, resilience, and more.
Also covered are the latest from Residential Aged Care Communiqué, BMJ Quality &Safety, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, Health Affairs, Health Policy International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the USA’s AHRQ.
To clarify the applicability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific actions in the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards.
To clarify not applicable actions for hospitals, day procedure services, multi-purpose services, bush nursing services, patient transport services and public dental services.
To clarify not applicable actions for all Services where cosmetic surgery is performed.
This fact sheet outlines the essential steps required to clean and disinfect ultrasound transducers used for percutaneous procedures. This fact sheet does not provide guidance on the management of specific clinical procedures as this guidance should be developed locally and informed by a risk assessment.
The Commission is seeking an Ongoing EL1 Compliance and Procurement Manager, Business Unit.
Information on this vacancy and how to apply can be found in the link below. Applications for this role will close 11.59pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) Wednesday 19 March 2025.
Questions about the role can be directed to Stan Ahn on (02) 7232 5047.
To describe the requirements for accrediting agencies to notify regulators and the Commission of significant patient risks identified during assessment to the Cosmetic Surgery Standards.