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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Immediate management

Quality statement 1 - Acute Coronary Syndromes Clinical Care Standard

A patient presenting with acute chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of an acute coronary syndrome receives care guided by a documented chest pain assessment pathway.


To ensure that patients with acute chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of an ACS receive care guided by a documented chest pain assessment pathway.

For consumers

If you have chest pain or other symptoms that could indicate a heart attack, your treatment from the first time you see a doctor to the moment you leave their care is guided by recommendations developed by clinical experts. Your treatment will be discussed with you to ensure that you are able to understand your options and provide your consent.

For clinicians

Use a documented chest pain assessment pathway to provide care to all patients who present with symptoms of an ACS. Ensure that your patients understand what is happening and why.

For health service organisations

Ensure that a chest pain assessment pathway is available and used consistently by clinicians. A chest pain assessment pathway taken from the national guideline is available from the Heart Foundation1.



  1. National Heart Foundation of Australia. Assessment protocol for suspected ACS using point-of-care assays. NHFA; 2016.

For consumers

If you have chest pain or other symptoms that could indicate a heart attack, your treatment from the first time you see a doctor to the moment you leave their care is guided by recommendations developed by clinical experts. Your treatment will be discussed with you to ensure that you are able to understand your options and provide your consent.

For clinicians

Use a documented chest pain assessment pathway to provide care to all patients who present with symptoms of an ACS. Ensure that your patients understand what is happening and why.

For health service organisations

Ensure that a chest pain assessment pathway is available and used consistently by clinicians. A chest pain assessment pathway taken from the national guideline is available from the Heart Foundation1.



  1. National Heart Foundation of Australia. Assessment protocol for suspected ACS using point-of-care assays. NHFA; 2016.

Read Quality statement 2 - Early assessment

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