For consumers - Management of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters Clinical Care Standard
This standard describes the care you should expect to receive if you have a cannula or 'drip'. Find out more about what the standard means for consumers and the information available.
What is a peripheral intravenous catheter?
If you need to have medicines or fluids delivered directly into your bloodstream, your doctor or another member of your healthcare team may recommend a small flexible tube be inserted into a vein. This device is called a peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) or an IV, cannula or drip. It is usually inserted into a vein in your arm, hand or foot and is connected to medicines and fluids when you need them.
What the standard means for you
The standard contains ten quality statements that describe the recommended care. You can use the information below to understand what the standard says and what this means for you.
Quality statements
Consumer resources
2021Fact sheet or brochure
This guide for consumers explains what each quality statement means for consumers, and what you can do to have an active role in your care.
2021Fact sheet or brochure
This patient information sheet provides helpful information to patients about how to avoid problems and stay as comfortable as possible with their cannula.
2021Fact sheet or brochure
The IV-WISE tool provides key discussion points for clinicians and patients to help involve patients in their care and prevent PIVC-related complications.