Fourth Atlas 2021
1.1 Early planed births without medical or obstetric indication
2.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
2.2 Heart failure
2.3 Diabetes complications
2.4 Kidney and urinary tract infections
2.5 Cellulitis
3.1 Tonsillectomy hospitalisations, 17 years and under
3.2 Myringotomy hospitalisations, 17 years and under
4.1 Lumbar spinal surgery, 18 years and over
4.2 Lumbar spinal decompression, 18 years and over
5.1 Gastroscopy MBS services, 18-54 years
5.2 Repeat colonoscopy MBS services, all ages
5.3 Repeat gastroscopy MBS services, all ages
6.1 Polypharmacy, 75 years and over
6.2 Medication management reviews, 75 years and older
6.3 Proton pump inhibitor medicines dispensing, 75 years and older
Third Atlas 2018
Antibiotics dispensing in children 9 years and under
Proton pump inhibitor medicines dispensing, 1 year and under
2.1 Colonoscopy hospitalisations, all ages
2.2 Gastroscopy hospitalisations, all ages
2.3 Proton pump inhibitor medicines dispensing, 18 years and over
3.1 Thyroid function testing, 18 years and over
3.2 Neck ultrasound and thyroidectomy, 18 years and over
4.1 Cardiac stress tests and imaging, 18 years and over
4.2 Stress echocardiography, 18 years and over
4.3 Myocardial perfusion scans, 18 years and over
4.4 Standard echocardiography, 18 years and over
5.1 Antimicrobial medicines dispensing, all ages
5.2 Amoxicillin and amoxicillin clavulanate dispensing, all ages
5.3 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing, 17 years and under
5.4 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing, 18-64 years
5.5 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing, 65 years and over
5.6 ADHD medicines dispensing, 17 years and under
5.7 Opioid medicines dispensing, all ages
Second Atlas 2017
1.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
1.2 Heart failure
1.3 Cellulitis
1.4 Kidney and urinary tract infections

1.5 Diabetes complications
2.1 Acute myocardial infarction admissions
2.1a Acute myocardial infarcation with angiograph
2.1 b Acute myocardial infarction with percutaneous coronary intervention and/or coronary artery bypass graph
2.2 Atrial fibrillation, principal diagnosis
2.2 Atrial fibrillation, any diagnosis
3.1 Hysterectomy
3.2 Endometrial ablation
3.3 Cervical loop excision or cervical laser ablation
3.4 Caesarean section ages 20 to 34 years
3.5 Third- and fourth-degree perineal tear
4.1 Knee replacement
4.2 Lumbar spinal decompression
4.3 Lumbar spinal fusion
4.4 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
4.4a Cholecystectomy open
4.4b Cholecystectomy cholangiogram and urgency
4.5 Appendicectomy
4.6 Cataract surgery
First Atlas 2015
The data set for Chapter 1: Antimicrobial dispensing includes:
- 1.1 Antimicrobial dispensing
- 1.2 Quinolone dispensing
- 1.3 Amoxycillin and amoxycillin-clavulanate dispensing
The data set for Chapter 2: Diagnostic interventions includes:
- 2.1 Fibre optic colonoscopy
- 2.2 Prostate biopsies 40 years and over
- 2.3 Computed tomography of the lumbar spine
The data set for Chapter 3: Surgical interventions includes:
- 3.1 Knee arthroscopy hospital admissions 55 years and over
- 3.2 Cataract surgery 40 years and over
- 3.3 Lumbar spine surgery hospital admissions 18 years and over
- 3.4 Radical prostatectomy hospital admissions 40 years and over
- 3.5 Hysterectomy and endometrial ablation hospital admissions
- 3.6 Tonsillectomy hospital admissions 17 years and under
- 3.7 Myringotomy hospital admissions 17 years and under
- 3.8 Hip fracture hospital admissions 65 years and over
- 3.9 Hip fracture average length of stay in hospital by peer group – 65 years and over
The data set for Chapter 4: Interventions for mental health and psychotropic medicines includes:
- 4.1 General practitioner mental health treatment plans
- 4.2 Antidepressant medicines dispensing 17 years and under
- 4.3 Antidepressant medicines dispensing 18 to 64 years
- 4.4 Antidepressant medicines dispensing 65 years and over
- 4.5 Anxiolytic medicines dispensing 18 to 64 years
- 4.6 Anxiolytic medicines dispensing 65 years and over
- 4.7 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing 17 years and under
- 4.8 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing 18 to 64 years
- 4.9 Antipsychotic medicines dispensing 65 years and over
- 4.10 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medicines dispensing 17 years and under
Chapter 5: Opioid medicines dispensing
The data set for Chapter 6: Interventions for chronic disease includes:
- 6.1 Asthma medicines dispensing 3 to 19 years
- 6.2 Asthma medicines dispensing 20 to 44 years
- 6.3 Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medicines dispensing 45 years and over
- 6.4 Asthma and related respiratory hospital admissions 3 to 19 years
- 6.5 Asthma hospital admissions 20 to 44 years
- 6.6 Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospital admissions 45 years and over
- 6.7 Heart failure hospital admissions 40 years and over
- 6.8 Diabetes-related lower limb amputation hospital admissions 18 years and over
- 6.9 Stroke average length of stay in hospital by peer group – 65 years and over
- 6.10 Anticholinesterase medicines dispensing 65 years and over
Repeat analysis (medicines dispensing)