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Evidence sources for the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard

Key sources of evidence underpinning the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard, and the literature review that helped inform the development of the standard.

Evidence base for the standard

Key sources underpinning the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard are:

  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock 2021
  • Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for the Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis-Associated Organ Dysfunction in Children
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline. Sepsis: Recognition, diagnosis and early management 
  • Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand. SOMANZ Guidelines for the Investigation and Management of Sepsis in Pregnancy
  • Antibiotic Expert Advisory Group. Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic
  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Aged Care Clinical Guide (Silver Book). Part A – infection and sepsis.

Literature review

To inform development of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard, the Commission engaged KP Health to carry out a rapid literature review to better understand the investigation and management of sepsis.

The literature review addressed the following research questions:

  1. What relevant evidence-based clinical guidelines and systematic reviews are available that can be used as an evidence-base for the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard? What is the quality of these guidelines and systematic reviews?
  2. What do current guidelines and systematic reviews recommend regarding the diagnosis, investigation and management of sepsis and what is the evidence level for these? What if any, are the differences between key current guidelines?
  3. How is variation in sepsis outcomes measured? What evidence is available to indicate that health care delivery for sepsis in Australia is not in line with best available evidence?
  4. What programs or interventions have been used to improve health care delivery and outcomes for sepsis and what were their outcomes?
  5. What audits, indicators and data collection mechanisms have been developed or are in use to support the measurement of care improvement for sepsis?
This rapid literature and evidence review was commissioned during development of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard.
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