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Topic Working Group - Sepsis Clinical Care Standard

The role of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard Topic Working Group is to provide expert advice on the development of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard.

The Sepsis Clinical Care Standard Topic Working Group (TWG) is a sub-group of the National Sepsis Clinical Reference Group (NSCRG).

The role of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard TWG is to provide expert advice on the development of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard (CCS).

The main roles of the group are to:

  1. Advise on the scope and key components of care to be the focus of the Sepsis CCS
  2. Advise on the key sources of evidence to inform the development of the Sepsis CCS. This might include clinical practice guidelines, clinical standards, systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  3. Advise on the formulation of quality statements and supporting indicators
  4. Recommend strategies to support the implementation of the Sepsis CCS
  5. Actively support raising awareness of the Sepsis CCS, and
  6. Advise on a review plan for the Sepsis CCS, and support any associated revision as required.

For those who are consumers, a key role is to advise on matters relating to their experience - whether as a patient or carer - and provide this perspective during the development of the Sepsis CCS.

All members are required to disclose financial, personal and professional interests that could, or could be perceived to, influence a decision made, or advice given to the Commission.

Disclosures are updated prior to each meeting and managed in line with the Commission’s Policy on Disclosure of Interests.

Membership of the Topic Working Group

A list of members of the Sepsis Clinical Care Standard Working Group is provided below. 

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