Low Back Pain Campaign
This communications kit supports the launch of the national Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard, released on 1 September 2022.
Show your support for the clinical care standard by downloading and sharing the content on your website, social networks or within your health service. You are encouraged to use these resources to raise awareness about the new standard and best practice care for low back pain.
The Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard was developed by the Commission, in partnership with health service organisations, clinicians and consumers. See endorsing organisations
- More information on the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard
- Contact: email ccs@safetyandquality.gov.au
Social images
EDM banner graphics
Highlights infographic
Fact sheets
Information for healthcare services
Information for healthcare services
Newsletter copy
Suggested messaging
Below are some suggestions for messages you could copy and paste, to use in your social media, newsletters and other communications.
- Message 1
[Insert name of your organisation] supports the release of the new Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard by @ACSQHC. The #CCS will help us to manage #lowbackpain episodes early and reduce the chance of ongoing problems.
Download at: safetyandquality.gov.au/lowbackpain-ccs
- Message 2
Low back pain affects 1 in 6 Australians and is the leading cause of lost work productivity and early retirement.
The national #LowBackPain Clinical Care Standard #CCS from @ACSQHC will improve how we manage this common #health issue. safetyandquality.gov.au/lowbackpain-ccs
- Message 3
Australia's first #LowBackPain Clinical Care Standard from @ACSQHC supports #healthcare practitioners to deliver the best care to people with low back pain.
Help support and empower patients with this common condition. safetyandquality.gov.au/lowbackpain-ccs #CCS