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Advisory AS18/11: Implementing systems that can provide clinical information into the My Health Record system

To describe the minimum requirements for health service organisation compliance with Actions 1.17 and 1.18 working towards implementing the My Health Record system.

Advisory details

Item Details
Advisory number AS18/11
Version number 6.0
Trim number D24-6727
Publication date 21 February 2024
Replaces AS18/11 version 5.0 published on November 2022
Compliance with this advisory It is mandatory for approved accrediting agencies to implement this advisory.
Information in this advisory applies to
  • All approved accrediting agencies
  • All health service organisations
Key relationship All NSQHS Standards
Attachment Not applicable
Notes Updates to compliance timelines regarding Healthcare Provider Identifiers – Individual (HPI-Is)
Responsible officer Margaret Banks
Director, National Standards
Phone: 1800 304 056
To be reviewed December 2024


To describe the minimum requirements for health service organisation compliance with Actions 1.17 and 1.18 working towards implementing the My Health Record system.


Actions 1.17 and 1.18 are requirements in the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. These actions relate to health service organisations using My Health Record system. 

The subjects of this Advisory are Action 1.17 and Action 1.18.

Action 1.17 states:

The health service organisation works towards implementing systems that can provide clinical information into the My Health Record system that:

  1. Are designed to optimise the safety and quality of health care for patients
  2. Use national patient and provider identifiers
  3. Use standard national terminologies

Action 1.18 states:

The health service organisation providing clinical information into the My Health Record system has processes that:

  1. Describe access to the system by the workforce, to comply with legislative requirements
  2. Maintain the accuracy and completeness of the clinical information the organisation uploads into the system

This advisory describes the minimum actions a health service organisation must demonstrate to be compliant with the requirements of Action 1.17 and the processes for Action 1.18.

The NSQHS Standards complement the requirements set out in Part 5 of the My Health Records Rule 2016 (the Rule). The Rule outlines the requirements for providers contributing to the My Health Record system, to ensure the safety and quality of health care provided to patients. These requirements should be described in organisational policies and procedures. 

In relation to the use of national patient and provider identifiers, health service organisations are expected to have identity management systems that align with the national Healthcare Identifiers (HI) service. This includes collecting patient demographics to obtain or revalidate a patient’s Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI). In addition, health service organisations have systems to maintain and monitor the use of Healthcare Provider Identifiers for organisations (HPI-Os) and individual providers (HPI-Is). 

Health service organisations that provide (or are working towards providing) clinical information into the My Health Record system using standard national terminologies should consider supporting material from the National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS). Health service organisations are expected to integrate standard national terminologies (for example, SNOMED CT-AU and Australian Medicines Terminology) into their clinical information systems. 

Previous Advisories have required health service organisations to:

  • Complete a gap analysis
  • Have developed a detailed plan.


To comply with Actions 1.17 and 1.18, health service organisations must:

  • By June 2024, have developed a detailed plan that complies with:
    • all requirements of Part 5 of the Rule; 
    • use of national patient and provider identifiers (IHIs, HPI-Os, HPI-Is[*]); and,
    • use of standard national terminologies.
  • By December 2024, have ongoing monitoring and evaluation of compliance with the requirements of Action 1.17 and 1.18.

Accrediting agencies are required to:

  • Review evidence that:
    • From July 2024, the organisation has completed a gap analysis, has a detailed plan and the plan is being implemented
    • From January 2025, the organisation has as system to monitor and evaluate compliance with Action 1.17 and 1.18.
  • Rate Action 1.17 as met, only if the organisation demonstrates achievement of the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year.
  • Rate Action 1.18 as met only if the organisation demonstrates embedded processes in accordance with the specific requirements of the Action in the relevant year. 
  • Rate Actions 1.17 and 1.18 as met with recommendations if there is evidence of a gap analysis and finalised plan endorsed by executive and the plan is being implemented and monitored (NB. where these requirements are met, these actions may be rated ’met with recommendation’ for no more than one accreditation cycle).

Resources are available from the Australian Digital Health Agency’s website and My Health Record website, which provide further information on the My Health Record system.

In July 2023, the Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) published Australia’s first national plan to deliver a connected healthcare system; the Connecting Australian Healthcare – National Healthcare Interoperability Plan 2023-2028. An action under Priority 1 – Identity, is to review and adopt national healthcare identifiers and promote healthcare organisations’ implementation of HPI-Is. HPI-Is are used as part of My Health Record and Electronic Prescribing conformance. 

The Agency has provided HPI-I exemptions to healthcare organisations due to their varying levels of HPI-I readiness. In June 2023, the Agency advised health service organisations that HPI-I exemptions would expire after 30 June 2024.

Australian Digital Health Agency resources

  • [*] Healthcare Provider Identifier – Individual (HPI-I)
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