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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

NHHI Help Desk contact form

NOTE: When you submit this form you will receive an auto-response email to confirm we have received your enquiry. Please check your junk or spam for this email and for any further NHHI Help Desk responses. Your enquiry will be responded to within 5 business days. Please do not create multiple enquiries within this timeframe.


Your enquiry

Did you use the forgotten password function, but didn't receive an email?

PLEASE NOTE: This is the most common issue people have with trying to log in. If you don't receive an email from the system, please check your junk/spam folder. If it is not there it is likely you did not provide an email address when you registered OR the email address you provided is now out of date OR incorrect.

The forgotten password email should arrive in your inbox within half an hour after using the forgotten password function. If you do not receive it after this time please do the following:

  1. Check your junk and spam folders for the forgotten password email - if found, mark the email as "NOT JUNK", then follow the prompts to login or change your password.
  2. Try using the forgotten password again, but this time with an alternate email that you may have used when registering. For example, you may have entered your work email for the 'forgotten password' however when you registered you may have used a personal email address or vice versa.
  3. If you have tried all of the above steps that are relevant to you, it is likely that you may have missed entering an email into your profile, or you entered your email address incorrectly.

Are CPD points allocated to the NHHI learning modules?

The NHHI learning modules do not have an allocated number of CPD points. Self-directed learning earns 1 CPD point per hour of study, therefore each learner should keep a record of the length of time taken to complete the module for their own records.

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care is not a Registered Training Organisation. The online modules that we provide through our Learning Management System are free to access upon registration but are not accredited. Please contact your professional association or professional registration board for further information if you wish to use these modules as part of your continuing professional development and require accreditation of this learning.

Click on the incorrect module on your task list, then press the 'cancel enrolment' button. This will remove the module from your task list. Then you need to follow the steps to enrol in a learning module as above.

You will be issued a completion certificate each time you complete an online learning module in the NHHI Learning Management System (LMS).

When you complete a module, a pop-up message will automatically appear giving you the opportunity to view or send the completed certificate to your registered email address.

Your certificate(s) are also accessible at any time within your NHHI LMS profile.

To retrieve a completion certificate from your profile in the NHHI LMS, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your profile at https://nhhi.southrock.comExternal link
  2. In the Shortcuts menu on the right hand side of your home screen, select the option 'My Certificates'
  3. A new screen will open and your current certificates will be visible
  4. To open and view a certificate, click on the orange square with the white 'eye' icon under the 'Action' column

The certificate will open in a new window, you can save or print the certificate from here.

Why does my certificate have the wrong name on it?

The certificate name is generated from what is entered into the profile on registration, or the subsequently updated user profile.

If your certificate has someone else's name then you have logged into that person's profile instead of creating your own profile. Please log out and create your own profile from the login page for the LMS.

If your certificate has your name spelled incorrectly, this is because you entered your name incorrectly on registration. Please contact the Commission to provide the name you registered with, and the correct spelling and this can be rectified and your certificate reissued. You can correct your name yourself in your profile, however for any certificates already completed, the name will not change automatically. All future certificates will appear with the correct name.

When does my certificate expire?

It is a matter for employers and education/training providers to determine the most appropriate training intervals for completion of NHHI LMS modules. ​

The NHHI Learning Management System (LMS) only issues automatic reminders for  the Hand Hygiene Auditor Assessment for revalidation.

The certificate for the Hand Hygiene Auditor Assessment is only valid for one year.

See HHCApp Mobile

See National Hand Hygiene Initiative - Audit Requirements

See Hand Hygiene Auditor Training – NHHI

See Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator Training

See Revalidation Requirements for Hand Hygiene Auditors and Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators – NHHI

What is the National Training Roster of Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators?

A national training roster of Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators has been established in the NHHI LMS to support greater access to auditor training and encourage networking. It also supports Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators to meet revalidation requirements and maintain their educator status. Participation in the national roster is strongly encouraged. Your region/organisation’s preference for participating in the national training roster can be updated at any time.

If a health network or corporate group or individual organisation/facility participates in the national training roster, their Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators can enter information about training sessions they plan to deliver in the NHHI LMS training calendar. Learners can book these training sessions via the NHHI LMS, regardless of their location or the organisation that employs them.

Health networks, corporate groups and individual organisations/facilities that do not participate in the national training roster will need to provide in-house auditor training using the NHHI LMS hand hygiene auditor training resources. Learners from these groups can only enrol in local training sessions via the NHHI LMS.

Revalidation Requirement for Hand Hygiene Auditors

The revalidation requirement for Hand Hygiene Auditors is to complete the Hand Hygiene Auditor Assessment each year.

Hand Hygiene Auditor - Lapsed Pathway

Auditors who do not maintain their auditor status:

  • will lose auditor access to the HHCApp to enter audit data
  • must pass the Hand Hygiene Auditor Assessment in the NHHI LMS to regain their auditor status and access to the HHCApp.

See National Hand Hygiene Initiative – NHHI

See Infection prevention and control

Type NA if not applicable
Type NA if not applicable
Please include here as much information as possible about your enquiry so we can assist you


Your privacy is important to the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission). The Commission only collects and uses information about you (name, employer, training/education provider, email address) to implement the National Hand Hygiene Initiative. Your information may be accessed by authorised officers of the Commission to assist you with resolving any issues you raise with the National Hand Hygiene Initiative Help Desk. Authorised Organisation and Region Administrators from your registered organisation or training/education provider may also access your information and training records. Your state/territory Jurisdictional Coordinator (public health service organisations only) may also access your information for local Hand Hygiene program implementation purposes and to support you in using the NHHI systems.


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