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Advisory AS22/02: Advice on organisational training requirements for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control

To provide health service organisations and accrediting agencies with information on the scope and assessment of workforce training requirements related to infection prevention and control and hand hygiene.


Advisory number AS22/02
Version number 1.0
TRIM number D21-38425
Publication date August 2022
Replaces Nil
Compliance with this advisory It is mandatory for approved accrediting agencies to implement this Advisory
Information in this advisory applies to
  • All approved accrediting agencies
  • All health service organisations
Key relationship Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard, NSQHS Standards
Attachment Nil
Notes Information on infection prevention and control and hand hygiene training requirements for health service organisations
Responsible officer Margaret Banks
Director, National Standards
Phone: 1800 304 056
To be reviewed December 2026


To provide health service organisations and accrediting agencies with information on the scope and assessment of workforce training requirements related to infection prevention and control and hand hygiene.


Infection remains the primary cause of hospital acquired complication and patient harm. 

Training is an essential strategy in the ongoing prevention and control of infections in health service organisations. 

Actions in the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards relating to training include:

  • 1.20 The health service organisation uses its training systems to:
    • Assess the competency and training needs of its workforce
    • Implement a mandatory training program to meet its requirements arising from these standards
    • Provide access to training to meet its safety and quality training needs
    • Monitor the workforce’s participation in training
  • 3.02 The health service organisation:
    • Identifies requirements for, and provides the workforce with, access to training to prevent and control infections

To support health service organisation’s implement training, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provides them and their workforce with access to online learning modules on infection prevention and control, and hand hygiene.


Health service organisations implementing the NSQHS Standards are required to provide their workforce with access to theoretical and practical training that promotes infection prevention and control and hand hygiene.

To meet the requirements of Action 3.02b, health service organisations are required to:

  • Implement organisational policies and processes that describe the requirements for theoretical and practical infection prevention and control and hand hygiene training for the organisation’s workforce 
  • Use information from the local disease epidemiology, organisation’s infection surveillance and risk assessment of local infections to determine the content, frequency and schedule of training 
  • Monitor and report on workforce participation in infection prevention and control training by healthcare worker group (including but not limited to medical, nursing, allied health, students, non-clinical workforce and managers)
  • Demonstrate workforce access to infection prevention and control and hand hygiene training that covers, as minimum:
    • the use of standard and transmission-based precautions
    • the role of hand hygiene in standard and transmission-based precautions
    • the application of the '5 Moments for Hand Hygiene'
  • Demonstrate that practical infection prevention and control and hand hygiene training is incorporated into:
    • clinical education training frameworks and curricula
    • practical competency assessments for procedures requiring aseptic technique 
    • practical competency assessments for the use of personal protective equipment
    • practical training in sharps use and disposal, waste management, used linen handling, and reprocessing of reusable medical devices.
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