Topic working group and endorsements
Topic Working Group
A Topic Working Group (TWG) comprised of individuals with relevant expertise in venous thromboembolism prevention, and experience in the Australian health care system as well as a consumer representative was convened to provide clinical advice, expertise and consumer input to this work during the development of the Clinical Care Standard.
All members are required to disclose financial, personal and professional interests that could, or could be perceived to, influence a decision made, or advice given to the Commission. Disclosures are updated prior to each meeting and managed in line with the Commission’s Policy on Disclosure of Interests.
The Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Clinical Care Standard was presented to and noted by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council members in June 2018. The following organisations have endorsed the Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Clinical Care Standard.

If you have any questions about the Venous Thromboembolism Prevention Clinical Care Standard please email