Electronic National Residential Medication Chart
The Commission has developed resources to support residential care providers and software vendors to implement and optimise their electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) medication management systems.
Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) medication management systems will be used to electronically prescribe medicines in residential care facilities, without the need for paper prescriptions.
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care engaged the Commission to develop these online resources.
For residential care facilities
The electronic National Residential Medication Chart Medication Management Systems - Guide and Workbook is for organisations looking to implement the eNRMC medication management system. The guidance can be applied to all types of residential care facility settings, whether you are a single site or part of a larger provider network.
The guide’s focus is on residential care facilities that wish to transition from a paper-based or hybrid (electronic and paper) medication management system to an eNRMC system.
For software vendors
The electronic National Residential Medication Chart Medication Management Systems - Software vendor information resource supports software vendors to identify opportunities for system enhancement, with the aim of delivering safer medication management and improved quality use of medicines.
60-Day Prescriptions in Residential Aged Care
Please refer to the overview and frequently asked questions about 60-Day Prescriptions in Residential Aged Care.
These frequently asked questions about how 60-day prescriptions work in Residential Aged Care was developed by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
Transitional arrangements
Pharmacy information pack
Residential aged care providers can start using transitional eNRMC products from 1 July 2022.
The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has developed information for pharmacies about these transitional eNRMC products and how to use them.
Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) transitional arrangement collection
The Electronic National Residential Medication Chart (eNRMC) transitional arrangement collection contains information about the transitional arrangements in the rollout of eNRMC products. It includes specific information for residential aged care providers, prescribers, software vendors and pharmacists.
For more information about these resources, please email medsafety@safetyandquality.gov.au.