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Electronic Medication Management Systems: A Guide to Safe Implementation

The third edition of the report was written to assist hospitals and health service organisations to safely implement electronic medication management (EMM) systems.It provides guidance on the activities required for safe and effective EMM system implementation and use. 

Third edition

Electronic Medication Management Systems:  A guide to safe implementation (third edition) has been informed by a review of the second edition, more recent international literature, the experiences of Australian EMM system implementation sites, and stakeholder consultation. This edition  incorporates feedback from individual health service organisations, and states and territories that have either implemented EMM or progressed their EMM planning since the previous edition of the guide.

New material in third edition

This edition of the guide includes additional material about:

  • The experiences of recent EMM implementations
  • National medication safety priorities
  • Medicines-related standards and national infrastructure
  • Embedding the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme in workflow
  • Business continuity planning and operationalising the EMM system
  • Policy and compliance, and regulation
  • Data management and analytics, and continuous quality improvement.

History of the guide

The use of the guide by health service organisations implementing EMM was first endorsed by state, territory and Australian Government health ministers in November 2011. On 8 December 2017, the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council (AHMAC) endorsed the Commission’s revised guide.  

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