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World Health Organization High 5s Medication Reconciliation Project

The High 5s Project looked at implementing standard operating protocols (SOPs) for correct site surgery and medication reconciliation in different countries with different healthcare environments and cultures.

Aims of the project

The High 5s Project aimed to determine:

  • The feasibility of implementing standard operating protocols (SOPs) for correct site surgery and medication reconciliation in different countries with different healthcare environments and cultures
  • Whether the SOPs are effective in improving patient safety.

It was a collaborative project between the World Health Organization (WHO) and healthcare agencies from several countries, including Australia. Australia was one of four countries implementing the patient safety solution Assuring Medication Accuracy at Transitions of Care through medication reconciliation.

Project team

The Project involved collaboration between WHO, the Joint Commission, and lead technical agencies from Australia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. The project was supported by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, WHO and the Commonwealth Fund. The Commission was the lead technical agency for the Australian arm of the High 5s Project.

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