Sepsis Survivorship Report
This literature review describes the evidence regarding the burden of disease associated with sepsis in the Australian population and the impacts of sepsis on people who survive. Evidence for interventions to improve recovery and reduce sepsis morbidity is also described.
This literature review describes the evidence regarding the burden of disease associated with sepsis in the Australian population and the impacts of sepsis on people who survive.
The review addresses the following questions:
- How many people survive sepsis each year by age and by sex in Australia?
- Does Australia have better or worse outcomes for people who survive sepsis by age and sex than countries with similar health systems?
- What complications do survivors of sepsis face after discharge from hospital?
- How frequently are survivors readmitted to hospital in that period?
- What interventions improve recovery after discharge and reduce ongoing morbidity?
- How have these interventions been evaluated and which ones were successful?
- What measures were used to demonstrate success?
- Which of these interventions could work in the Australian context?
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