Governance, leadership and culture
The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinical Care Standard describes the health care that you should expect to receive if you have COPD. Find out more about the ten quality statements from the COPD Clinical Care Standard, as well as helpful resources - including a video of John's experience living with COPD.
The Commission is hosting a series of free online webinars to highlight the importance of person-centred care for consumers, organisations and healthcare professionals. The webinars will promote successful projects or initiatives that demonstrate practical examples of person-centred care.
The Commission has developed information for consumers on some key safety and quality issues, and health conditions.
The Charter describes rights that consumers, or someone they care for, can expect when receiving health care. These rights apply to all people in all places where health care is provided in Australia. This includes public and private hospitals, day procedure services, general practice and other community health services.
Top Tips for Safe Health Care is designed to help consumers, their families, carers and other support people get the most out of their health care.
The National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations (NSQMHCMO Standards) will help provide safety and quality assurance for consumers, their families and carers and best practice guidance for community managed service providers.
Implementation resources have been released to support accreditation to the NSQMHCMO Standards.
There are many different tools and resources that can help consumers and healthcare professionals share decisions together.
World Patient Safety Day, celebrated on 17 September each year, is a World Health Organization global initiative focused on promoting safer healthcare practices and minimising patient harm.
The National Model Clinical Governance Framework provides a consistent national framework for clinical governance that is based on the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
Resources for consumers, clinicians and healthcare services to support implementation of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Care Standard.
Effective clinical communication with both consumers and colleagues is essential for a collaborative, shared decision making approach to health care.
The Commission has translated some key information for consumers into community languages.
The National Medicines Symposium (NMS) is an annual, cross-disciplinary event bringing together leading organisations, experts, clinicians, consumers and policymakers to discuss and debate key issues around quality use of medicines.
Person-centred care must recognise and respect individual needs, beliefs and culture. Understanding the diversity of consumers seen in your organisation can help you design systems that support staff to better meet their needs.
Healthcare rights and informed consent