Clinical governance and quality improvement to support recognition and response systems
Organisation-wide systems are used to support and promote detection and recognition of acute deterioration, and the response to patients whose condition acutely deteriorates. These systems are consistent with the National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for recognising and responding to acute physiological deterioration, the National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care, the National Consensus Statement: Essential elements for recognising and responding to deterioration in a person’s mental state, the National consensus statement: essential elements for safe and high-quality paediatric end-of-life care, and the Delirium Clinical Care Standard.
This criterion requires organisation-wide governance, leadership and commitment to support recognition of, and response to, acute deterioration in physiological and/or mental state.
To meet this criterion, health service organisations are required to:
- Apply safety and quality systems to support timely and appropriate recognition of, and response to, acute physiological or mental deterioration
- Use quality improvement systems to monitor, review and improve recognition and response systems
- Apply principles of partnering with consumers when designing and implementing systems to recognise and respond to acute physiological or mental deterioration.
This criterion aligns closely with the Clinical Governance Standard and the Partnering with Consumers Standard.