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Advisory DI25/01 Diagnostic imaging practices transferring between accrediting agencies

This advisory provides information on the responsibilities and process for diagnostic imaging practices when transferring between approved accreditation agencies.

Advisory details

Item Details
Advisory number DI25/01
Version number 1.0
Publication date 24 January 2025
Compliance with this advisory Mandatory for Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme (DIAS) accrediting agencies and diagnostic imaging practices.
Information in this advisory applies to
  • All DIAS accrediting agencies
  • Diagnostic imaging practices
Key relationship N/A
Attachment N/A
Notes N/A
Responsible officer Margaret Banks
Director, National Standards
Phone: 1800 304 056
To be reviewed 2026


To clarify the responsibilities and process for diagnostic imaging practices when transferring accreditation between approved accreditation agencies.


Accrediting agencies and diagnostic imaging practices have requested clarification about the movement of diagnostic imaging practices between accrediting agencies.


The initial accrediting agency provides accreditation services and has accredited the diagnostic imaging practice.

The receiving accrediting agency is the accrediting agency the diagnostic imaging practice is engaging for its future accreditation services.


Diagnostic imaging practices

Diagnostic imaging practices can choose an approved accrediting agency and change their accrediting agency during or at the end of the accreditation cycle.

Diagnostic imaging practices must comply with the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme (DIAS) Standards and maintain accreditation with an accrediting agency during a transfer.

A diagnostic imaging practice can transfer to a different accreditation agency and remain accredited provided the imaging practice:

  • Has informed the initial and receiving accreditation agency that it is transferring between accrediting agencies
  • Has no outstanding actions or obligations with the initial accrediting agency
  • Has signed an agreement with the receiving accrediting agency before cancelling its agreement with the initial accrediting agency
  • Maintains its existing accreditation cycle and schedule of assessment
  • Provides the receiving accrediting agency with copies of the last accreditation reports and decisions from the initial accrediting agency

This advisory does not apply to diagnostic imaging practices that seek to change their accrediting agency during their assessment. Where this occurs, the initial and receiving accrediting agencies must notify the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) within 48 hours.

Accrediting agencies

Accrediting agencies are to facilitate the transfer of diagnostic imaging practices and not delay or prevent transfers.

The initial and receiving accrediting agencies are required to notify the Commission of ceased and new diagnostic imaging practices respectively.

The receiving accrediting agency will:

  • Notify the initial accrediting agency of the transfer promptly
  • Maintain the diagnostic imaging practice’s existing accreditation cycle, including the schedule of assessments and expiry date
  • Only issue an accreditation report once it has completed an accreditation assessment under DIAS.

The initial accrediting agency will on receipt of a transfer notification from a receiving agency, provide:

  • The receiving accrediting agency with the diagnostic imaging practice’s accreditation status, accreditation start and end dates, outstanding actions and accredited modalities
  • Services Australia with a cease notification[1]

For more information

Diagnostic imaging practices and approved accrediting agencies can contact the Commission’s Safety and Quality Advice Centre on 1800 304 056 or by email,


  • [1] Cease notifications will only be actioned in the Location Specific Practice Number Register, if they are received before Services Australia receives an accreditation report from the receiver accrediting agency.
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