Infection Prevention and Control Advisory Committee
The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Advisory Committee provides a mechanism for the Commission to consult with experts and key stakeholders on the development and implementation of national initiatives related to IPC.
About the Committee
The purpose of the IPC Advisory Committee is to provide strategic advice to the Commission on matters relating to IPC. This includes sharing data and information on policies and processes related to IPC and providing advice:
- To support the implementation of the Commission’s Work Plan, in relation to IPC
- To inform the development of resources to support the implementation of and compliance with the:
- National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard, the Primary and Community Healthcare Standards, and the Aged Care Quality Standards - Clinical Care
- Clinical Care Standards
- Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare
- National Hand Hygiene Initiative
- Requirements for national infection surveillance and other infection monitoring processes, as relevant
- On priority areas for national improvement, emerging issues and local implementation aspects of IPC programs
- On strategies that will positively impact on, and facilitate engagement with, clinicians and consumers to enhance IPC practice.
IPC Advisory Committee membership
- Professor Peter Collignon AM, Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist (Chair)
- Mr Tim Benson, Consumer
- Dr Sarah Browning, Technical Expert, Infectious Diseases
- Ms Samantha Butenko, Representative for South Australia
- Professor Allen Cheng AC, Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) nominee
- Ms Kathy Dempsey, Representative for New South Wales
- Ms Yana Albrey, Representative for Northern Territory
- Associate Professor Deborah Friedman PSM, Representative for Victoria
- Dr Sally Havers, Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control (ACIPC) nominee
- Mrs Belinda Henderson, Representative for Queensland
- Dr Andie Lee, Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) nominee
- Dr Lyn-li Lim, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission nominee
- Ms Rebecca McCann, Representative for Western Australia
- Miss Karen McKenna, ACIPC proxy nominee
- Ms Stephanie Newell, Consumer
- Mrs Sandra Roodt, Private health services nominee
- Dr Jessica Schults, Technical Expert, Epidemiology / Surveillance
- Ms Frances Sheehan, Representative for Australian Capital Territory
- Ms Karen Turnbull, Representative for Tasmania
- Professor John Turnidge AO, Cross-committee member (Chair - Antimicrobial Stewardship Advisory Committee), Infectious Diseases Physician, Microbiologist and Senior Medical Advisor for the Commission's Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Australia (AURA) Project
- Mr Jeffrey Woods, Private health services nominee