Quality statements - Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard
The quality statements below describe the expected standard for key components of care.
Information is also available on what each quality statement means for:
- Consumers so they know what care may be offered by their healthcare provider, and can make informed decisions about their care
- Clinicians to support recommendations about appropriate care
- Healthcare services to inform them of the policies, procedures and organisational factors that can enable the delivery of high-quality care.
Some quality statements are linked to indicators to support monitoring of quality improvement.
Quality statements
To ensure that women with heavy menstrual bleeding are offered the least invasive and most effective treatment appropriate to their clinical needs and preferences, and are able to make an informed choice from the range of treatments suitable to their individual situation.
This clinical care standard relates to the care of women of reproductive age with heavy menstrual bleeding. It covers management from first recognition of clinically significant heavy menstrual bleeding until its resolution in women before or at menopause.
What is not covered
The specific management of underlying uterine pathology (including malignancy) and coagulopathy is out of scope of the clinical care standard. The management of acute heavy menstrual bleeding in an emergency context is not covered; nor are other presentations of abnormal uterine bleeding including post‑coital, intermenstrual and postmenopausal bleeding. Detailed consideration of indications, contraindications and potential complications of treatments for heavy menstrual bleeding is also out of scope.
While the standard is broadly applicable to adolescents with heavy menstrual bleeding, these patients have some specific needs that are not covered in the Standard.