Real-time prescription monitoring
Information about Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM) in Australia including clinician resources to support its effective use in clinical practice.
Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM) is a digital health system that provides information about a person’s prescribing and dispensing history for monitored medicines. It is available to all authorised prescribers (including medical practitioners, dentists and nurse practitioners) and registered pharmacists. All states and territories have a RTPM system; however, there are some differences that prescribers and pharmacists must be aware of when accessing RTPM in clinical practice, including:
- Variability in the medicines captured in each RTPM system
- Legislated requirements for checking RTPM
- The circumstances that trigger a pop-up alert or notification
Why is RTPM important?
RTPM supports prescribers and pharmacists to identify risks related to the prescribing, dispensing and use of monitored medicines. Information provided by the RTPM system, together with other information including a clinical assessment, assists with clinical decision-making that promotes the safe use of monitored medicines.
Monitored medicines
The term ‘monitored medicine’ refers to all medicines that are captured within RTPM and considered a ‘high-risk’ for potential harm or unsafe use. Monitored medicines can include opioid analgesics, benzodiazepines, sedatives, and stimulants. The lists of monitored medicines for each jurisdiction are provided below, however these are subject to change. Prescribers and pharmacists are encouraged to visit the relevant state or territory health department website for the latest information and updates.
State and territory RTPM systems
The Commission has developed a suite of resources on Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM) in consultation with all state and territory health departments. This work aims to highlight key messages and support the effective use of RTPM nationally.
Contact us
For questions or feedback about the RTPM resources contact