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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Medicines Information

The Commission, with the Australian Digital Health Agency and the Australian Government Department of Health, has developed guidelines to standardise the presentation of on-screen medicines information. The aim was to ensure benefit from investments in e-health initiatives and to maximise patient safety.

Standardised presentation of electronic information about medicines

The National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Medicines Information provide an evidence-based approach to on-screen presentation of medicines information. They:

The guidelines are based on the best evidence available at the time of development and were endorsed by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council in December 2017.

Resources for on-screen medicines information

The guidelines combine the clinical and consumer guidelines previously published in two parts, the National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Clinical Medicines Information and National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Consumer Medicines Information.

The National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Clinical Medicines Information (January 2016) were widely consulted and a heuristic evaluation established best practice for issues that could not be elucidated from evidence or experience. Final report – Partial task analysis and heuristic evaluation for on-screen display of medicines (PDF 975KB) (Word 227KB)

The National Guidelines for On-Screen Display of Consumer Medicines Information addendum (October 2016) contain important exceptions and additions to reflect the needs of consumers when accessing electronic information about their medicines.  

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