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We are thrilled to announce the next webinar in our Person-centred Care in Practice series - Giving Consumers a Voice in Paediatric Care.

Consultation is now open on the safety and quality priorities for safe spaces.

Read the Winter 2023 issue of Commission eNews.


This issue includes items on leadership, safety and improvement culture, Vitamin D testing, emergency departments, cognitive impairment, COVID-19 and more.

Also covered is the latest issue of Health Affairs along with early online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the latest from New Zealand’s Health Safety & Quality Commission.

Other resource

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (the Department) has engaged the Commission to undertake a scoping study for the design and development of national minimum standards for Safe Space services. We seek your views on the safety and quality expectations for Safe Space services.

Find multimedia resources to support understanding of the Australian Charter of Health Care Rights (the Charter). Use these resources to support people to understand the Charter.

The Commission would like to acknowledge the Topic Working Group who advised on the first version of the Standard in 2016, some of whom, with other experts, participated in the review of the Hip Fracture Clinical Care Standard 2023. The Review Working Group can be accessed below.

The Hip Fracture Clinical Care Standard provides guidance to clinicians and health service managers on delivering appropriate care when assessing and managing patients with a hip fracture to optimise outcomes and reduce their risk of another fracture.

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