Quality Use of Medicines Stewardship program
From 1 January 2023, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (the Commission) became the custodian of a range of Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) functions, expanding our role in QUM stewardship. This follows the redesign of the Quality Use of Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Pathology (QUDTP) Program outlined in the 2022–23 Federal Budget.
Status updates for each function can be found below.
QUM stewardship seeks to foster the appropriate, safe and effective use of medicines. Guided by the National Medicines Policy and the National Strategy for Quality Use of Medicines, the Commission promotes QUM stewardship by collecting data and reporting on the quality use of medicines, developing national guidance, and generating cross sector engagement on the appropriate use of therapeutics, diagnostics and pathology.
The transferred functions are an extension of the Commission’s longstanding Medication Safety program and QUM activities.
The Commission works in partnership with patients, carers, clinicians, the Australian, state and territory health systems, the private sector, managers and healthcare organisations to achieve a safe, high-quality and sustainable health system, including through QUM stewardship.
Key functions of the Commission include: developing national safety and quality standards, developing clinical care standards to improve the implementation of evidence-based health care, coordinating work in specific areas to improve outcomes for patients, and providing information, publications and resources about safety and quality.
For information on new and amended listings on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), visit the PBS website. You can also subscribe to receive email notifications of news and updated publications.
For the latest updates on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), visit the MBS website. You can also subscribe to receive email updates.
The QUM programs and services that transitioned to the Commission, following the program redesign, are listed below.
QUM Programs and Services
Medicine Finder
Find information about medicines using either the active ingredient or brand name. Visit the Medicine Finder page.
Prescribing Competencies Framework
The Prescribing Competencies Framework describes the competencies that health professionals require to prescribe medicines judiciously, appropriately, safely and effectively in the Australian healthcare system.
Contact Us
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Commission’s QUM Customer Service team at QUMCustomerService@safetyandquality.gov.au