Low Back Pain Campaign for PHNs
This communications kit contains materials that PHNs can use to promote the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard and related resources for primary care clinicians.
The content below has been developed for Primary Health Networks (PHNs) to download, adapt for their local audiences as required, and share with stakeholders to raise awareness about the standard and resources, including our new education module for GPs.
The Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard was developed by the Commission, in partnership with health service organisations, clinicians and consumers and is endorsed by 19 professional associations and consumer organisations.
- For more information on activities and resources recommended for PHNs to support implementation of the Standard, see the Low Back Pain – Primary Health Network Implementation Guide
- To access the full range of resources, see Implementation Resources - Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard
- Contact: email ccs@safetyandquality.gov.au
Social images
Suggested messaging
- Message 1
@ACSQHC has partnered with @RACGP to create an education module on the Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard #CCS.
Find out more about best practice in the early assessment and management of #lowbackpain. [insert link]
- Message 2
@ACSQHC has released a series of resources to support implementation of the new Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard in #primarycare.
Learn more about the #LowBackPain #CCS and check out the Commission's new primary care educational resources: [insert link] @RACGP
- Message 3
Back problems are the 2nd most common reason Australians go to their GP.
Evidence shows that most #lowbackpain episodes improve with primary care management.
@ACSQHC Low Back Pain #CCS resources offer guidance on how to assess and manage patients. [insert link] @RACGP
- Message 4
What is your approach to early management for low back pain?
The @ACSQHC Low Back Pain #CCS has communication tips on how to reassure patients in pain.
See the Quick Guide for GPs, which outlines care for patients with a new acute episode of #lowbackpain. [insert link]
Draft newsletter content
Highlights Infographic