NMS 2024
Related resources – National Medicines Symposium 2024
Several resources have been identified which are relevant for improving safe and appropriate use of medicines in an ageing population.
- 5 Moments for Medication Safety from World Health Organization
- Chapter 16: My Health Record of the Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacy Services from the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
- Chapter 6: Facilitating Continuity of Medication Management on Transition Between Care Settings of the Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacy Services from Advanced Pharmacy Australia
- Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist (ACOP) Credential Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults
- Continuity in Medication Management from South Australia Health
- Falls Prevention from the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission
- Guiding Principles of Medicines Stewardship Programs from the Council of Australian Therapeutic Advisory Groups
- Medication from Victoria Department of Health
- Medication Management Programs from The Pharmacy Programs Administrator
- Medication Reconciliation from the Health Quality and Safety Commission New Zealand
- Medicines Reconciliation from the International Pharmaceutical Federation
- Medicines and reduced kidney function explained by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Medication Safety Self-Assessment (MSSA) from the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission
- Medication Management Review (MMR) Credential by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- NICE National Institute of Health and Care Excellence
- Older Persons’ Patient Safety Program from the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission
- Patient Safety from the International Pharmaceutical Federation
- Pharmacist shared medicines list from the Australian Digital Health Agency
- Training Plan: Residential Aged Care Pharmacist: Foundation Training Program from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Training Track Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist Credential - Professional Plus from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Use of medicines by the elderly – The role of pharmacy in promoting adherence by the International Pharmaceutical Federation
- What is person-centred care? from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- WHO Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030 from World Health Organization
- WHO Medication without Harm Policy Brief from World Health Organization
Deprescribing and Polypharmacy
- A guide to deprescribing from the Primary Health Tasmania
- Australian Deprescribing Network resources for healthcare professionals
- Deprescribing – Essential CPE from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Deprescribing algorithms from the Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network
- Deprescribing antihypertensive drugs in frail older adults from Australian Prescriber
- Deprescribing Case Reports from deprescribing.org
- Deprescribing considerations for older people in general practice from the Australian Journal of General Practice
- Deprescribing resources from Primary Health Tasmania
- Deprescribing Tools from the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.
- Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline for Deprescribing Opioid Analgesics from the University of Sydney
- Goal-directed Medication review Electronic Decision Support System (G-MEDSS)
- Guideline for deprescribing opioid analgesics from The University of Sydney
- Guidelines, guides, and protocols for deprescribing specific drug classes from the Australian Deprescribing Network (ADeN)
- Medstopper
- PRISCUS potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly
- RACGP aged care clinical guide (Sliver Book – Part A: Deprescribing) from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
- STOPP/START criteria for potentially inappropriate prescribing in older people
- Tools to reduce harm from polypharmacy in Australian hospitals from the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.
Appropriate Prescribing
- 5A’s – Opioid therapy monitoring tool by NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation
- Accessing Therapeutic Guidelines by the Therapeutic Guidelines
- Appropriate prescribing of antipsychotic medication in dementia from the NHS London Clinical Network and NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Clinical Network
- Ask, Assess, Advise explained from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia
- Better Pain Prescribing: Clarity and confidence in opioid management by Advanced Pharmacy Australia
- Faculty of Pain Medicine Opioid Calculator smart phone application
- NSW Opioid Treatment Program (OTP): Foundation Training course for pharmacists by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Prescribing for frail older people by Australian Prescriber
- Safe Prescribing and Monitoring in the Older Person Systematic review on Drug Burden Index and outcomes by the Geriatrics Health Professionals
- Talking pain: Opioid options and alternatives by Advanced Pharmacy Australia
- The Medication Appropriateness Index: A Clinimetric Measure
- Victorian Opioid Pharmacotherapy Program by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
Aged Care/Older People
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission AMS Resource List
- Behaviour support plans by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Behaviour support plans – fact sheet by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Behaviour support plans by Dementia Support Australia
- Chapter 16 - Pharmacogenomics and warfarin therapy by Professor Jennifer Martin in the Therapeutic Drug Monitor (Second Edition)
- Consent for medication in aged care from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Dementia and changed behaviours: supporting the person at the centre from NPS MedicineWise
- Dementia and medications – The role of the Dementia Support Pharmacist by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Dementia and psychotropic medicines from NPS MedicineWise
- Dementia clinical tools and resources from Dementia Australia
- Diabetes in older persons by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Frequently asked questions about consent by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Guideline for the Appropriate Use of Psychotropic Medications in People Living with Dementia and in Residential Aged care from Monash University
- Limiting antipsychotic drugs in dementia from the Australian Prescriber
- Management of Medicines in Aged Care from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
- New consumers and restrictive practices – fact sheet by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Overview of restrictive practices by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Prescribing and deprescribing in chronic kidney disease from the Australian Prescriber
- Psychotropic medications used in Australia - information for aged care by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Psychotropic self-assessment tool – frequently asked questions by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Restrictive practices provider resources by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- The anticholinergic burden: from research to practice from the Australian Prescriber
- The Indigo 4Ms tool for Primary Healthcare Workers by Beechworth Health Service
Consumer resources
- 5 Questions to ask about your medications from Institute of Safe Medication Practices Canada
- Consumer Medicines Information from the Department of Health and Aged Care, Therapeutic Goods Administration
- Do you need antibiotics? (available in 25 languages) by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- Medicines Line from the Department of Health and Aged Care
- Medication: it’s your choice from Older Person’s Advocacy Network
- Medication information resources for patients from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare
- Medicines information from HealthDirect
- My aged care from the Department of Health and Aged Care
- Questions to ask before taking a medicine from HealthDirect
- Questions to ask from the Canberra Health Literacy Hub
- Simple Medical Summary Template from the Health Care Consumers Association
- Stopping My Benzodiazepine or Z-drug (Sleep or Anxiety Medicine) from the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.
- Stopping My Antipsychotic Medicine from the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.
- Stopping My Proton Pump Inhibitor (Stomach Acid Medicine) from the NSW Therapeutic Advisory Group Inc.
- The Indigo 4Ms tool for Older People by Beechworth Health Service
Culturally safe and equitable care
- 5 Questions to ask about your medications from Choosing Wisely
- Yarning to Make Health Decisions Together from the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation
- Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
- Clinical Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples using aged care services from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Good Medicines, Better Health from The National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
- Principle 4: Information sharing of the ACCHO Medicines Management Guidelines for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations
- Access to Therapeutic Guidelines - Factsheet
- Acute Coronary Syndromes Clinical Care Standard
- Aged Care Quality Standards: Standard 5 – Clinical Care
- AI Implementation in Hospitals: Legislation, Policy, Guidelines and Principles, and Evidence about Quality and Safety
- Antimicrobial Stewardship
- AURA 2023 Highlights for Aged Care
- Australian Fall Guidelines
- Better Care Everywhere Program Series
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Clinical Care Standard
- Cognitive impairment
- Communicating for safety
- Delirium Clinical Care Standard
- Electronic Medication Management
- Emergency Department Clinicians’ Guide to My Health Record
- e-Health Safety
- High Risk Medicines
- Hip Fracture Clinical Care Standard
- Indicators for Australian hospitals
- Informed consent
- Low Back Pain Clinical Care Standard
- Management of Peripheral Intravenous Catheters Clinical Care Standard
- Medication Reconciliation
- Medication Safety
- Mental health
- National guidelines for on-screen display of medicines information
- National Medication Plan (NMMP)
- NSQHS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- NSQHS Communication for Safety resource portal
- NSQHS Communication for Safety Standard
- NSQHS Digital Mental Health Standard
- NSQHS Medication Safety Standard
- Opioid Analgesic Stewardship in Acute Pain Clinical Care Standard
- Osteoarthritis of the Knee Clinical Care Standard
- Person-centred care
- Principles of safe and high-quality transitions of care - Poster
- Principles of safe and high-quality transitions of care - Factsheet
- Priority Action Status Summary Medication Without Harm – WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Australia’s Response
- Psychotropic Medicines in Cognitive Disability or Impairment Clinical Care Standard
- Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM)
- Sepsis Clinical Care Standard
- Status Report Medication Without Harm – WHO Global Patient Safety Challenge: Australia’s Response
- Transitions of Care
- User guide for health service organisations providing care for patients with cognitive impairment or at risk of delirium
- Achieving continuity in medication management – Factsheet
- Aged care on-site pharmacists
- Digital Transformation for the Aged Care Sector
- Guiding principles for medication management in residential aged care facilities
- Guiding principles for medication management in the community
- Guiding principles to achieve continuity in medication management
- National Medicines Policy
- The National Strategy for Quality Use of Medicine
- Medication Management for health practitioners
- Medication management in community - Factsheet
- Medication management in residential aged care facilities – guiding principles – Factsheet
- Residential Medication Management Review and Quality Use of Medicines Programs
More information
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