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This issue includes items on COVID-19, cultural safety, codeine re-scheduling, psychotropic medicines in residential aged care facilities (RACFs), public reporting of performance data and more.

Also covered are the latest issues of BMJ Quality & Safety and the Australian Journal of Primary Health along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and the International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the latest from the UK’s NICE.

Fact sheet or brochure

Health service organisations are required to develop and implement systems and processes that support patient-clinician discussions about the patient’s preferences for care in the future, to document advance care plans, and to act on advance care plans as part of comprehensive care delivery and for the NSQHS Standards.


This issue includes items on COVID-19, including resources from the Commission, Cochrane Collaboration and others, medication management in cancer care, diagnostic safety, teamwork, PPE and more.

Also covered are the latest issues of Clinical Communiqué, Healthcare Paper and the Journal of Patient Safety & Risk Management along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and the International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the latest from the UK’s NICE.

Audit, monitoring or reporting tool

The purpose of this tool is to allow cancer services to review the uptake of clinical governance roles and responsibilities by their medical oncologists, haematologists, nurses, pharmacists and managers working in its cancer care areas.

Fact sheet or brochure

This fact sheet provides important information for clinicians to consider when discussing advance care plans with patients and sets out the actions that directly relate to advance care planning in the NSQHS Standards.

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