This User Guide describes best practice strategies under each of the 28 specific actions to support organisations to deliver effective medication management in cancer services.
The Board established the Audit and Risk Committee in compliance with section 45 of the PGPA Act and section 17 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule. Its primary role is to assist the Board to discharge its responsibilities in respect of financial reporting, performance reporting, risk oversight and management, internal control and compliance with relevant laws and policies.
This issue includes items on retained surgical items, preventable inpatient mortality, hospital and skilled nursing facility quality, vulnerable children in primary care, opioid prescribing and more.
Also covered are the latest issues of BMJ Leader and Healthcare Quarterly along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and the International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the latest from the UK’s NICE.
This presentation by Dr Peggy Brown AO, Senior Clinical Advisor for the Digital Mental Health project at the Commission, was developed for the public consultation of the draft National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards.
The Commission invited consumers and carers, clinicians, service providers, and interested stakeholders to provide feedback on the NSQDMH Standards during the public consultation period from March - April 2020.
This issue includes items on value-based care and health equity, burnout, patient expectations, difficult conversations and more.
Also covered is the latest issue of the American Journal of Medical along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and the International Journal for Quality in Health Care and the latest from the UK’s NICE.
This report describes the findings of a national stocktake of health resources developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, undertaken by the Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre Australia (CIRCA).
In 2019, Professor Lynne Emmerton led the review of name similarity for:
- Monoclonal antibodies (MABs) (commonly ending in the suffix ‘mab’)
- Tyrosine kinase (factor) inhibitors (TKIs) (commonly ending in the suffix ‘nib’).
This included the theoretical risk of confusion within these classes of medicines in clinical practice, including the similarity in clinical indication, with a view to producing a specialised list of medicines. The results of this review can be found in this publication.