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In 2011, the Federal Parliament passed the National Health Reform Act 2011 (NHR Act) which established the Commission as a corporate Commonwealth entity under the 

The Commission’s Board governs the organisation and is responsible for the proper and efficient performance of its functions. The Board establishes the Commission’s strategic direction.

What is safety and quality?

Forty-six submissions were received in response to the Expression of Interest process, which closed on Friday 30 January 2015. The submissions received were from public and private hospitals, and most of the states and territories.

AHPEQS helps to improve the safety and quality of health care by allowing organisations to see things from the patient’s perspective. It can contribute to Australian health care in a number of ways.

A tool for measuring patient experience

Things to consider

This page lists the items that need to be considered in Step 3.4 to translate AHPEQS data into improvement.

Things to consider

This page lists the items that need to be considered in Step 3.3 to present and report AHPEQS data t.

Things to consider

This page lists the items that need to be considered in Step 3.2 to prepare an analysis strategy for the raw AHPEQS data.


By completing this step, you will have a set of triggers for action that will help you ensure that the AHPEQS implementation and operation achieve the objectives you have defined. You will also have decided how to communicate these across your organisation.

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