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Australian Open Disclosure Framework

The framework is designed to enable health service organisations and clinicians to communicate openly with patients when health care does not go to plan.

New updates and resources

Real-time prescription monitoring

Information about Real-time prescription monitoring (RTPM) in Australia including clinician resources to support its effective use in clinical practice.

Download the toolkit

Two key factors in supporting healthcare professionals are:

Open disclosure project details

Legal history

In 2010, Professor David Studdert of the University of Melbourne conducted a review of the legal aspects of open disclosure in Australia. The review covered:

These have been developed for each of the four clinical processes, and a combined guide has been developed for the four organisational prerequisites.

Using the guide

This comprehensive Guide to Support Implementation of the National Consensus Statement (the guide) will help facilities to:

Benefits of using the NRMC

  • Fewer prescriptions to write
  • A central point for information
  • Duration/length (charting cycle) of the NRMC and supply of medicines is a maximum of 4 months.


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