National Hand Hygiene Initiative Implementation Guide
The National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) Implementation Guide is designed to help health service organisations to implement and manage their hand hygiene program and to meet the requirements of relevant national standards.
Topics covered in the NHHI Implementation Guide include:
- Requirements of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and the National Primary and Community Care Standards in relation to hand hygiene
- Use of alcohol-based hand rubs
- Hand hygiene and infection prevention and control education
- Hand Hygiene Auditor and Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator training pathways and revalidation requirements
- Direct observational auditing of hand hygiene compliance
- The 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene and audit roles
- Other strategies for monitoring hand hygiene compliance
- Audit data submission, validation and reporting
- Targeted opportunities for improving hand hygiene compliance
- The Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp) and other tools for hand hygiene editing
- The NHHI Learning Management System (LMS) for hand hygiene auditor training