National audits and HHCApp – NHHI
Data on hand hygiene compliance are collected by states and territories for all public health service organisations, and by many private health service organisations, and reported nationally three times per year for the National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI).
Using the Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp)
The Hand Hygiene Compliance Application (HHCApp) is the web-based application for use by healthcare organisations to collect, review and report their hand hygiene compliance rates.
Only trained and validated hand hygiene auditors are able to collect and enter data using the HHCApp. Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators (HAEs) provide hand hygiene auditor training.
HHCApp Desktop
HHCApp Desktop is used to enter hand hygiene data that has been collected on paper. If you have administrator access, you can also use HHCApp desktop to access reports and administrator functions:
How to enter hand hygiene data using the HHCApp desktop
HHCApp Mobile
HHCApp Mobile is used to enter hand hygiene data in real time as you audit. HHCApp Mobile is not an App; it is a webpage that can be accessed via the internet browser of a mobile device. If using this option to enter data, please ensure you login to begin, and when finished, sync your data and use the 'logout' button on completion to minimise errors.
If you have difficulty syncing your mobile device, you may need to update the shortcut on your device to the new link below, delete your mobile device browser history and remove the previous shortcut you used for the HHCApp login page.