Hand hygiene eLearning modules – NHHI
These modules support hand hygiene education and training for clinical, non-clinical and student healthcare workers. The content of the modules is consistent with the recommendations of the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, specifically the Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard, and the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare.
Access our infection control and hand hygiene eLearning modules
Hand hygiene eLearning modules
Module | Information |
Hand Hygiene for clinical healthcare workers |
This module provides information on hand hygiene for clinical healthcare workers, including student healthcare workers. Clinical healthcare workers include doctors, nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, paramedics, all student health practitioners and anyone providing physical care to patients and residents in a healthcare organisation such as personal care attendants. |
Hand Hygiene for non-clinical healthcare workers |
This module provides information on hand hygiene for non-clinical healthcare workers. Non-clinical healthcare workers include clerical and administration, housekeeping, catering, engineering, sterilisation services, patient transport/ward orderly services, social and spiritual support, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander liaison officers, volunteers, and laboratory staff. |
Hand hygiene Dental |
This module provides hand hygiene information for dental health professionals and students. Dental healthcare workers include:
Hand dermatitis | This module provides information on prevention of hand dermatitis in healthcare workers and what to do if dermatitis does develop. The module was developed by the Occupational Dermatology Research and Education Centre, at the Skin & Cancer Foundation, Melbourne. |
Hand hygiene auditor modules
Module | Information |
Hand hygiene Auditor (HA) Training Pathway |
This training pathway is for healthcare workers who want to become a Hand Hygiene Auditor. For more information, see Hand Hygiene Auditor Training. Existing auditors do not need to complete this training pathway. |
Hand Hygiene Auditor eLearning module | This module is also for existing hand hygiene auditors who need refresher training. |
Hand hygiene Auditor Educator (HAE) Training Pathway | This training pathway is for Hand Hygiene Auditors who want to become a Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator. For more information, see Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator Training. |
Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator Lapsed Training Pathway |
This training pathway is for Hand Hygiene Auditor Educators whose educator status has lapsed. From 2 January 2024, Gold Standard Auditors (GSAs) who did not successfully complete the GSA to HAE Validation Training Pathway will need to complete the Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator Lapsed Pathway to become a HAE. |
Hand Hygiene Auditor Educator eLearning module | This module is for existing HAEs who need refresher training. |
Hand Hygiene Auditor Assessment | This assessment is the new annual revalidation for general auditors, Hand Hygiene Auditors, and lapsed auditors. This assessment is also part of the Hand Hygiene Auditor (HA) Training Pathway. |
More information
See the Frequently asked questions (FAQs).