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Infection prevention and control - advanced education eLearning modules

The Commission has developed 10 advanced infection prevention and control eLearning modules that can be undertaken individually, or as a suite, dependent on need.

Access our infection control and hand hygiene eLearning modules

The target audiences for these modules are infection prevention and control practitioners, infection prevention and control champion/link/liaison staff and other staff with a particular interest in infection prevention and control.

These modules include:

Module name Overview
Principles of infection prevention and control Provides an understanding of the basic principles of infection prevention and control. Content includes healthcare-associated infections, colonisation and infection, standard precautions, transmission-based precautions, use and management of invasive devices and antimicrobial stewardship.
Risk management of infectious agents and infectious diseases Provides an understanding of risk management systems and the use of the hierarchy of controls in infection prevention and control to help minimise the risk of infection in healthcare settings.
Basic microbiology and multidrug-resistant organisms (MRO) Provides an understanding of basic microbiology and the key infectious agents involved in causing infections and disease in health care.
Clean and safe healthcare environment

Provides an understanding of the role of environmental cleaning in reducing the transmission of infectious agents, risk assessment in environmental cleaning, environmental cleaning processes and product selection, safe linen and waste management, cleaning programs and auditing environmental cleaning.

This module is also suitable for cleaning staff and cleaning supervisors. 

Preventing and managing occupational exposure Provides an understanding of the basic principles required to assess, prevent, manage, and follow up healthcare workers who are occupationally exposed to blood/body fluids and infectious agents.
Basics of surveillance and quality improvement Provides an understanding of surveillance in infection prevention and control, components of an infection surveillance program, the national systems for infection surveillance, and quality improvement in infection prevention and control.
Epidemiology and outbreak prevention and management Provides an understanding of the role of epidemiology in infection prevention and control, using epidemiological methods to describe the amount of disease in a population, using epidemiological methods to identify outbreaks, the key aspects of outbreak prevention and control plans, the formation of outbreak management teams, outbreak management strategies, and the elements of an outbreak response.
Health workforce screening and immunisation for vaccine-preventable diseases

Provides an understanding of the basic principles of health workforce screening and immunisation for vaccine-preventable diseases, governance systems to support health workforce screening and immunisation programs, as well as the strategies to assess, prevent and manage the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases.

This module is also suitable for staff health practitioners.

Introduction to reprocessing reusable medical devices Provides an understanding of the requirements of the NSQHS Standards for reusable medical devices, the three main reprocessing methods, the factors that influence the effectiveness of reprocessing, and how to manage risks associated with reprocessing.
Renovation, repairs and redevelopment risk management

Provides an understanding of the infection risks associated with building works, repairs, and ongoing maintenance in a healthcare organisation and how these risks can be managed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Note: This module will be updated 2023–24 in line with the updated Australasian Health Facility Guidelines.

To enrol in any of these modules:

  1. Log in to the National Hand Hygiene Initiative (NHHI) Learning Management System (LMS) 
  2. Select the tile labelled ‘Click here for Infection Prevention and Control Modules’
  3. The catalogue of infection prevention and control advanced education modules will load. Select the Enrol button next to the module you wish to undertake.
  4. A module milestones page will load. Click the Launch button when you are ready to start the module.

For more information go to Frequently asked questions (FAQs) - hand hygiene and infection prevention and control online modules .

The workbook that provides supplementary information to support these 10 modules is currently being progressively updated. The current version of the workbook is below:

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