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Attributes of person-centred healthcare organisations
Understanding the characteristics of organisations that deliver excellent person-centred care can help guide improvement across the healthcare system.
Seven key attributes common in high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations have been identified. Collectively, the seven attributes provide an ideal organisational model for supporting consistent and excellent person-centred care.

Comprehensive care delivery
- Patients are engaged as partners in their care
- Goals of care guide clinical decisions and the patient journey
- Diversity and equity are respected and supported
- Transparency is a core element of safety and quality care
Clear purpose, strategy and leadership
- A commitment to exceptional person-centred care is clearly stated in the organisations purpose and strategy
- Great leadership drives exceptional person-centred care, with the support of champions across the organisation
- A person-centred strategy is articulated to the workforce and the community, and implemented across the organisation.
People, capability and a person-centred culture
- An organisational culture for person-centred care is built and maintained through a long-term systematic approach
- The capabilities of all members of the workforce are continually developed through formal and informal learning
- The organisation regularly monitors and is dedicated to support workforce satisfaction and wellbeing
Person-centred governance systems
- Consumers and the community are involved in governance at all levels
- Consumers are trained and supported to meaningfully contribute
- Organisational structures and models of care are designed around the person
- There are clear accountabilities at all levels – from the board to the clinician
- Financial, strategic and operational decisions and processes are person-centred
Strong external partnerships
- Healthcare organisations have a comprehensive network of service partner and relationships
- There is a focus on seamless transitions and coordination of care
- Healthcare organisations operate as leaders in the system improvement
- Community volunteers are recognised and supported as critical partners in enhancing the patient experience
Person-centred technology and built environment
- Person-centred design principles are applied to the built environment
- Healthcare organisations are pragmatic and innovative where resources are limited
- Technology must enhance patient experiences and outcomes, but also not be relied upon alone
Measurement for improvement
- There is culture of learning and continuous improvement
- Measurement can be acted on to improve outcomes and reflects what patients and communities value
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Seven key attributes were identified for high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations.
Report on the review, for further information
Seven attributes of high-performing person-centred healthcare organisations were identified during this review.
Use the tool to assess your organisation’s performance and start to plan change
Download the PowerPoint file to present to management and staff
This resource is a downloadable template that can be used when providing education about great person-centred care.
Riverland General Hospital, Riverland Mallee Coorong and Country Health SA have many attributes that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
SLHD and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital have many attributes that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
JFPH has many attributes across the organisation that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
Western Health has many attributes that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
CMC–Mercy has many attributes that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
Sea Mar has many attributes that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.
Jönköping has many attributes across the health service that support the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care.