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Staff wellbeing and teamwork as part of person-centred care

Staff wellbeing and teamwork can help to support effective person-centred care. Research shows that patient experiences are better when healthcare staff feel they have a good working environment, low emotional exhaustion, and support from their coworkers and managers.

To succeed, a person-centred approach should also address the staff experience, because the staff's ability and inclination to care effectively for patients is compromised if they do not feel cared for themselves.

Both individual wellbeing and effective teamwork are important in health care.


Wellbeing information and resources that specifically target the healthcare sector are available.

Promoting the mental health of health services staff

Information on creating mentally healthy workplaces from HeadsUp

Clinician wellbeing knowledge hub

Information and resources to combat clinician burnout from the US National Academy of Medicine


Healthcare organisations need to establish the systems and staff training that will support effective teamwork between all members of staff.

Improving healthcare communication, collaboration and teamwork in Australia

A Commission review of best practice in improving clinical communication, collaboration and teamwork skills

Implement teamwork and communication training module

An online training module, including facilitator notes, slides, tools and video, from the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Healthcare teamwork toolkit

Resources from the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission on supporting a teamwork approach to achieving person-centred care

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