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The Commission is now operating in accordance with the Caretaker ConventionsExternal link pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Standards and accreditation updates

Keep up to date with NSQHS Standards, other standards and accreditation schemes.

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28 February 2023 | Pathology accreditation standards

The Commission, in consultation with the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC), has released the fifth edition of Requirements for transfusion laboratory practice (the transfusion standard).

27 February 2023 | Pathology accreditation standards

The Commission, in consultation with the National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (NPAAC), has released the fifth edition of Requirements for information communication and reporting (the information communication and reporting standard).

1 December 2022 | NSQHS Standards advisories

The intent of this advisory is to ensure that assessors using the National Safety and Quality Standards and specifically Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander actions, receive face-to-face cultural safety training.

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