This factsheet provides guidance on selecting suitable cleaning products for environmental cleaning in health service organisations.
The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards require health service organisations to have processes in place to maintain a clean and hygienic environment, in line with the current edition of the
This issue includes items on COVID-19, face masks, medical devices, public health emergency preparedness and response, antimicrobial stewardship, carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales and more.
Also covered are the latest issues the Journal of Patient Experience along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and International Journal for Quality in Health.
Both long-standing, and recent, literature support the value of sustained infection prevention and control practices in reducing the incidence of preventable SABSI.
Measures to prevent SABSI in health care include:
On the Radar Issue 472 is now available at
This issue includes items on COVID-19, antimicrobial prescribing and stewardship, general practice, hospital in the home, virtual hospitals, teamwork, clinical registries and more.
Information for consumers regarding the use of face masks to protect against the transmission of COVID-19.
The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide guidance to health service organisations when establishing processes to accurately identify and record Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status.
The Commission publishes hospitality, gifts or benefits that it receives throughout the course of performing its functions above the (estimated) value of $100 as per the Australian Public Service Commission's guideline.
This issue includes items on COVID-19, cognitive impairment, IV medication errors, teamwork and communication and more.