Display the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights on your health service’s TV monitors and digital signs.
This survey tool provides Australian health service organisations with a set of 14 principles supported by a variety of risk reduction strategies. The tool should be used in conjunction with the Principles for the safe selection and storage of medicines – Guidance and survey tool.
This guidance outlines strategies and principles developed to address safe selection and storage of all medicines, including look-alike, sound-alike (LASA) medicines.
In 2018, the Commission identified a need to develop guidance for the safe selection and storage of medicines, with a focus on look-alike, sound-alike (LASA) medicines. Medication incidents related to LASA medicine names are one of the most common type of medication error.
Webinar for gastroenterological nurses
This issue includes items on COVID-19, telehealth, aged care and more.
Also covered are the latest issues of the International Journal for Quality in Health and BMJ Quality &Safety along with the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and International Journal for Quality in Health.
To clarify specific requirements for data collection during the COVID-19 pandemic by individual states and territories.
This flowchart provides guidance for selecting suitable cleaning product for environmental cleaning in health service organisations.
Environmental cleaning is a key component of standard precautions; the first-line in infection prevention and control in the healthcare environment. Updated July 2020.
Environmental cleaning is a key component of standard precautions, the first-line in infection prevention and control in health care. Auditing of cleaning practice is an important part of this process.