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A Topic Working Group was convened to provide advice to the Commission on this project. The group comprised individuals with relevant expertise in anaphylaxis, representatives of key stakeholder organisations as well as a consumer representative.

Updated August 2020.

Acute Anaphylaxis Clinical Care Standard


This issue includes items on COVID-19, aged care, clinical variation, safe selection and storage of medications, telehealth for cancer care, telediagnosis, electronic medication systems, double-checking and medication administration errors, accreditation, paediatric hospice and palliative care, Staphylococcus aureus (SAB) and more


Approved by Nicola Bunt A/Director Clinical Care Standards

This issue includes items on COVID-19, environmental cleaning and infection prevention and control, Clostridioides difficile (CDI) infection, Staphylococcus aureus (SAB) prevention, virtual health care, open disclosure, long-term care, and more.


This issue includes items on COVID-19 (including COVID-19 infection prevention and control risk management), evidence-based interventions, access, medication adherence, patient feedback, primary care,

Also covered are the latest issues of Australian Health Review, the American Journal of Medical Quality, Patient Experience Journal, Healthcare Quarterly and Health Affairs and the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and International Journal for Quality in Health.


This issue includes items on COVID-19, face masks, ‘sideline guilt’, educational novels, safety for ethnic minority patients, medication safety, opioids, hospital discharge, patient expectations, emergency departments and more.

Also covered are the latest online papers from BMJ Quality & Safety and International Journal for Quality in Health along with the latest from the UK’s NICE and NIHR and the USA’s AHRQ.

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